Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI)

The Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI) is the University's dedicated research centre for nanoscience and quantum information activities, located next to the main HHW Physics building. The upper floors house the Quantum Engineering and Technology Labs (QET Labs) and the Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training (QE-CDT). The lower ground floor comprises fifteen state-of-the art Low Noise Labs (LNLs), which provide extremely stable low noise environments for both quantum research and research at the nanoscale and beyond.

The NSQI centre is lit up at dusk. Orange light shines through the windows. A section of the HH Wills Physics Building is visible in the right of the frame.


Contacts Us

Key contacts for the building, plus directions (including public transport links) for visitors to NSQI.

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