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Robust and Reliable Quantum Computing

22 March 2022

A new programme, funded by a £3m grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, will establish a vibrant and cross-disciplinary community of researchers in universities - including University of Bristol - in quantum computing and computer science.

The team will collaborate to address the global challenge of delivering quantum computing that is robust, reliable, and trustworthy. With substantial recent progress internationally in building ever larger quantum computers, verifying that they do indeed perform the tasks they were designed for has become a central unsolved problem in the field.

The School of Mathematics' Prof. Noah Linden, Professor of Theoretical Physics, said, "At its most ambitious, our programme—with its focus on reliability and robustness—could lead to a completely new view of the quantum computing stack, with implications for hardware and software at every level."

Read the full story on the university's news and features page

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