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Nikolas Breuckmann announces proof of important result in quantum information theory

9 August 2022

Nikolas Breuckmann, who is currently a Research Fellow at UCL and will be joining the School as a Lecturer in Quantum Computing Theory in November, has recently announced a proof of the NLTS conjecture, a famous open problem in quantum information theory.

In his paper ‘NLTS Hamiltonians from good quantum codes’ he, together with Anurag Anshu and Chinmay Nirkhe, has shown that there exist quantum systems where all low-energy states are complicated, in the sense that they cannot be generated by a simple quantum process. Their result relies on recent breakthroughs in quantum error-correction and is a step towards proving the quantum PCP conjecture, considered the most important open problem in quantum complexity theory.
A full article on this exciting news is published in Quanta.
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