Interactive Taster Lectures

Our taster lectures are one-off events designed to give school and college pupils a taster of a university lecture. They are combined with general information and advice about studying at university.

‘The Death Debate’ 

‌This interactive class introduces students to the law relating to assisted dying, examines real-life legal cases and gets students to comment and vote on what they think doctors should do when a patient wants to be helped to die.

‘Children and Teenagers’ Rights in Medicine’ 

An interactive lecture, which gets students to say what they think should happen in morally and legally difficult situations where an under 18 wants to make their own decisions about their healthcare provision.

‘Facebook and the Law’

This class looks at the law relating to social media – and some of the potential legal issues arising from its use.

‘Criminalisation and the Boundaries of Criminality’

Here the focus is the late 19th century murder case of R v Dudley and Stephens. The class also looks at what has happened to this part of the criminal law in more recent times, getting students to share their views and vote.

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