
We are proud of the range and depth of research we undertake at the Law School, and the impact it is having on society locally and internationally. This reflects the ever evolving nature of our research activity and our ambition to share our knowledge with others to make change happen.

  • Centres of research

    Our centres of research strive for excellence in specific areas of research. They bring together expertise from within the School, the University, and beyond to develop groundbreaking legal thinking on issues ranging from human rights to social enterprise.

  • Research themes

    Virtually every aspect of human experience is shaped by and filtered by law. We are dedicated to encouraging our researchers to be innovative as they tackle the full spectrum of difficulties and dilemmas of the human experience. As a result, our themes reflect the rich diversity of life in a global society.

  • Law School staff are very successful at winning grants with externally-funded income more than doubling over the past five years. These projects see staff engaged in cutting edge, original research projects that are making a significant impact on lives around the world.

  • Visiting scholars

    Committed to knowledge sharing, the Law School's Visiting Scholars scheme enables national and international academics, researchers and practitioners, renowned in their field, to come to Bristol and conduct research in collaboration with our diverse research community.

  • Visiting PhD students

    The Visiting PhD Students scheme seeks to enhance the already vibrant research culture and learning environment of the Law School by enabling national and international PhD students to come to Bristol and spend a period of time conducting research and participating in our collegiate and diverse research community.

  • Research students

    We are committed to nurturing talent and welcome prospective students in any legal discipline where supervision can be offered. We support our research students throughout their projects, inspiring them to become the best they can be whilst helping them to achieve the qualifications necessary to become a fully-fledged legal researcher.

The impact of our research ‌

Our research has a global impact. Our researchers currently play a central role in torture prevention, improving child protection and more.

Find our research

Find our publications, articles, and read updates on our blog.

Looking to join us?

The Law School has long since attracted strong academics and aspiring researchers, and there are many ways to get involved.

Contact us

To find out more about our research, please contact the Law School's Research Director Professor Sarah Green

Tel: +44 (0)117 39 40498

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