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Lois Bibbings to give keynote at ‘Nonconformist Responses to World War One’

11 September 2015

Lois Bibbings will deliver the keynote at ‘Nonconformist Responses to World War One’, the annual conference of the Quaker Studies Research Association this week.

Lois Bibbings will deliver the keynote at ‘Nonconformist Responses to World War One’, the annual conference of the Quaker Studies Research Association this week. The talk, ‘Questions of Conscience’, re-examines the different and often contradictory perspectives of some of the men who came to be conscientious objectors to military service, reflecting on their dilemmas, beliefs and goals in the context of a legal regime which at one and the same time introduced military compulsion but, at least in theory, recognised a right to conscientiously object to it. Amongst other reflections, a key concern will be a reconsideration of what WW1 COs can tell us about conscience.

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