Best undergraduate dissertations of 2009

Since 2009 the Department of History at the University of Bristol has published the best of the annual dissertations produced by our final-year undergraduates. We do so in recognition of the excellent research undertaken by our students, which is a cornerstone of our degree programme. As a department, we are committed to the advancement of historical knowledge and to research of the highest order. Our undergraduates are part of that endeavour.

Listed below are the the best of this year’s undergraduate history dissertations, with links to the dissertations themselves where these are available. Please note that these dissertations are published in the state they were submitted for examination. Thus the authors have not been able to correct errors and/or departures from departmental guidelines for the presentation of dissertations (eg in the formatting of footnotes and bibliographies). In each case, copyright resides with the author and all rights are reserved.

StudentTitleBest dissertation of 2009 prize
Isabelle Amazon Brown Goodbye Father? Girls, Patriarchy and Social Change: Father-Daughter Relationships in 1960s USA (PDF)  
Emily Baughan British Women’s Relief Efforts for Boer Concentration Camps in the South African War, 1899-1902  
Rachel de Courcy Representations of Charles Stewart Parnell in English and Irish Newspapers (PDF)  
Rachel Ellis Experiencing ‘Dark Tourism’: the real Auschwitz? (PDF)  
Rose Farrell The Civil Defence Hiatus: A Rediscovery of Nuclear Civil Defence Policy 1968-1983 (PDF)  
James Green Reagan, Armageddon and the 1984 Presidential Debate: On the Overlap of Political and Apocalyptic Discourses in America (PDF) Prize-winning rosette
Harriet Lowson ‘The Poor Prostituted Word’: The taste debate in Britain 1750-1800  
Michael Mantin ‘A Great Army of Suffering Ones’: The Guild of the Brave Poor Things and Disability in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (PDF)  
Sarah Parkes Religion, Urban Association and Politicisation - Bristol and the American Crisis 1774-1776  
Melanie Pocock The French Pantheon, 1791: Re-defining the dynamics of power in public art  
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