Audio from the Department of English

Listen to recent recordings from seminars organised by the Department of English:

Department of English research seminars

MA in English Literature seminars

The MA in English Literature seminars feature academics speaking informally about their recently published books.

The speakers talk about the content and impact of their books, but also about how the books came about: their own methods of research, their styles of writing, the process and experience of talking to publishers and editors, and so on.

In presenting such biographical and human accounts of published and authoritative works, the seminars are of particular interest to MA and PhD students who are at the beginning of their own research careers.

'Medicine, Health and the Arts in Post-War Britain' seminar series

'Medicine, Health and the Arts in Post-War Britain' was a four-seminar series funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust and led by the University of Exeter. The series had close links with our intercalated BA Medical Humanities.

These recordings were from second half-day seminar: Medicine, Health and Literature.

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