Felix Churchill-Moss

Master's by Research in Global Environmental Challenges student, School of Earth Sciences and Department of English Literature

I graduated in Chemistry in 2019 from Sheffield Hallam University to achieve a degree that would open my career options, but in all honesty, my interests lie in the natural sciences, ecology and the plight of the planet - especially the oceans. I have to admit to having a sense of responsibility, as we all do, to take environmental damage seriously.

I have always been curious about how things form and develop and my chemistry background along with my devotion for conservation has guided me into the world of marine biogeochemistry. I am a scientist comfortable relating chemistry to ecology but also fascinated how the environment can impact human society and culture.

My passion for playing and performing folk music has aided my ability of communicating with the public, which is an area I find most stimulating. I believe we have a very serious message for the world. We need to continue to develop how we take this message to the public - a message crucial now and for the future.

Get in touch

Interested in Felix's research? Email wa20334@bristol.ac.uk.

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