Although the Cabot Institute funded and supported some of this activity, the vast majority of credit must go to our Ujima Radio colleagues who drove this agenda for over two years and mobilised the community for the Green and Black Discussion. We especially recognise Roger Griffith who wrote this report.
The report contains numerous reflections from the BAME community that reveal the complexity and challenges of inclusion; it recognises the good work done by many, as well as their good intentions. But it also shows that Bristol cannot simply conduct an 'event' and expect it to be inherently conclusive. The report synthesises some of these lessons, but the initial reflections are included in largely unadulterated form.
We caution against simplistic conclusions. For example, Bordeaux Quay hosting all of the Green Mingles is mentioned as an issue; however, that is not a criticism of Bordeaux Quay but is instead a challenge to the city centre focus of many events (not just the Green Capital) as well as a challenge to our implicit assumptions - not all Bristolians will feel equally comfortable at Bordeaux Quay (or the University of Bristol's Great Hall for that matter).
The Cabot Institute share's this report in the hope that it informs an open discussion about these issues and helps our city address its inequality challenges.
Rich Pancost, Cabot Institute Director
Download the Green and Black report [PDF, 626 KB]
Download the accompanying review (with audio) [PPT, 22.6 MB]
Download the accompanying review (without audio, smaller file) [PDF, 4.24 MB]
Uncertain World Report (PDF, 2,621kB)Uncertain World Report (PDF, 2,621kB)Uncertain World Report (PDF, 2,621kB)
For the Cabot Institute Director's reflections on the Green Capital Year, including on issues of inclusion, please see the Cabot Institute blog and this article published in Nature Geoscience.