History of Art


Foreword from the Subject Editor

I keenly believe that academic papers are not simply to be written, but to be read. An essay written for a class, however brilliant in its analysis and criticism, will, sadly, often go unread by many. I am grateful and excited to share our papers in the BILT Journal, not simply to promote the phenomenal voices within the History of Art department, but to have played a part in developing the voices of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, and to help them to showcase their work to their peers. In doing so, I hope that students in the department continue to consider their research interests as ones that are constantly developing—even after publication! 

The experience of being subject editor of the History of Art board has been one both educational and inspiring. I have had the chance to work alongside an exemplary team which, though small, has worked incredibly hard to promote papers from the student body. I thank Louisa Hunt and Sophie Brownlees for their consistent aid in developing our papers, and for their enthusiasm in doing so. The papers we have published demonstrate both a broad scope and a number of emerging voices in the diverse field of art history, and I am thrilled to share them with you today. 

Benjamin Shotton 

Subject Editor for History of Art

With thanks to:

Louise Hunt - Deputy Editor

Sophie Brownlees - Copy Editor/ Peer Reviewer



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