Biological resources
Biological samples including blood, urine, hair, nails, saliva and placenta have been collected from study children and their parents since early pregnancy. Samples are divided and stored as multiple small aliquots to ensure the maximum possible use.
A DNA bank has been extracted from blood, cell line, and mouthwash samples at various timepoints. In addtion, some study participants and their parents provided samples for the production of lymphoblastoid cell lines.
Samples are available for use in research projects as outlined in the ALSPAC access policy (PDF, 630kB). We try to make the process of obtaining samples as smooth as possible - please download a summary of the process for obtaining approval to access samples (PDF, 47kB) to find out more. Samples are managed by the Bristol Bioresource Laboratories (BBL). The Quality Management System of BBL is certified to the International Standard ISO 9001.
If you would like to use any samples in a project, please contact the laboratory at to discuss the suitability of the samples before you submit your proposal.
All data generated from ALSPAC samples are returned to the study and become part of the resource available to researchers.
Sample information
Details of samples collected are summarised in the links below. Where possible samples are stored in multiple aliquots to limit the need for freeze thaw cycles. However, the number of aliquots varies between sample types and for some samples (e.g hair, teeth) only one aliquot was produced.
Please note the numbers given in these tables are numbers in stock as of the date of the document. Some samples may have since been reserved for analysis. In addition, there may be samples not documented here e.g. aliquots that have been freeze/thawed are not included and may be suitable for your analysis.
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