Supervisory support and engagement

The regulations in this section cover supervisory support and the minimum requirements for engagement between supervisors and postgraduate research (PGR) students.

Guidance related to these regulations

Initial contact

10.1. The main supervisor must take the initiative in making first contact with the student.

10.2. A PGR student must be given the name and contact details of their main supervisor before they register.

10.3. A PGR student who is studying for a doctoral degree with an integrated taught component might not have a main supervisor until the taught component has been completed. In those cases, a named academic must be appointed to provide appropriate support until a main supervisor is in place.

The supervisory relationship

10.4. Supervisors and the PGR student share responsibility for developing and maintaining an effective working relationship.

10.5. Supervisors and the PGR student are jointly responsible for maintaining regular and adequate contact including through formal supervisory meetings. Supervisors must also be reasonably accessible to the student outside of the formal meeting schedule to provide advice.

10.6. There are additional considerations for supervision of distance learning students set out in the policy for research degrees by distance learning.

First supervisory meeting

10.7. The first supervisory meeting will usually be held within a week of the PGR student’s registration. This meeting should include the following.

10.7.1. An introduction to the supervisory team, including an overview of their roles and responsibilities.

10.7.2. The PGR student’s outline research plan.

10.7.3. A consideration of any specific support or training needs for the PGR student.

10.7.4. If necessary, any sponsorship or other financial arrangements.

10.7.5. If necessary, the role of any integrated taught component and the implications if this component is not successfully completed.

10.8. Supervisors and the PGR student must agree how subsequent supervisory meetings will be organised, including how the individual members of the supervisory team will be involved in those meetings.

Formal meetings

10.9. The main supervisor is responsible for scheduling formal supervisory meetings to review the student’s progress. Formal meetings must normally be held at least once a month.

10.10. Any in-person requirements for formal supervisory meetings stipulated in the policy for student engagement and attendance (PDF) will apply. Any meetings that are not required to be in person can be held online or by phone instead if this is agreed between the main supervisor and the PGR student.

10.11. The main supervisor is responsible for keeping a record of the date and format (either in person or by other means) of formal supervisory meetings. Where a PGR student is required to provide evidence on their attendance for visa or other purposes, the main supervisor is responsible for providing the necessary evidence on student engagement and attendance.

10.12. Supervisors and the PGR student must have a shared understanding of the purpose of formal supervisory meetings. They must agree on the duration and structure of the meetings and on the topics to be discussed.

10.13. Supervisors and the PGR student must keep the frequency and content of formal supervisory meetings under review. Arrangements must adapt to reflect the student’s needs and how their research project is progressing. Where appropriate, formal supervisory meetings can be held more frequently than the usual monthly minimum.

Support and guidance

10.14. Supervisors are responsible for providing the following support and guidance for the PGR student during their studies.

10.14.1. To advise on the academic standards expected for the relevant degree and on the criteria for award.

10.14.2. To provide direction on the importance of maintaining academic integrity.

10.14.3. To advise on the PGR student’s entitlements and responsibilities.

10.14.4. To advise on how the PGR student can access pastoral support, including ensuring that the student is aware of the forms of support available within the school, faculty, and University.

10.14.5. To review the PGR student’s training needs and assist in identifying appropriate training activities, including in relation to personal and professional development.

10.14.6. To encourage the PGR student to take up opportunities to network in their research area and to present their work at, for example, conferences and by publishing.

10.14.7. To comment on the PGR student’s written work and to provide feedback promptly so that there is no impediment to the student’s progress.

10.14.8. To direct the PGR student to the Centre for Academic Language and Development where there is a need to develop academic language and literacy skills. The centre offers a range of workshops to help students communicate their research more effectively.

Support for the dissertation

10.15. Supervisors are responsible for providing the following support for the student on the dissertation.

10.15.1. To advise on the submission of the dissertation, including on the intended submission date and the final submission deadline.

10.15.2. To advise on the preparations for the dissertation, including commenting on drafts, and to agree on an intended submission date.

10.15.3. To review the PGR student’s progress no later than four months before the student’s agreed intended submission date. At this point, the supervisors and student must discuss potential examiners if this discussion has not already been held.

10.15.4. To propose suitable examiners in discussion with the PGR student. The main supervisor must complete the appointment form no later than three months before the intended submission date.

10.15.5. To agree with the PGR student an appropriate timetable for discussing drafts of the dissertation. The student must share drafts with supervisors so that there is sufficient time for the supervisors to review the work. Supervisors must in turn provide timely written feedback so as not to jeopardise the student's intended submission date.

10.15.6. To provide guidance to the PGR student on the nature and substance of the written feedback from supervisors where this is necessary.

10.15.7. To provide guidance on the integration of publications as chapters within the dissertation if supervisors consider that this approach is appropriate.

10.15.8. To make clear to the PGR student that supervisor feedback on the dissertation is only advisory and that the student is responsible for the content of their dissertation and for the decision to submit.

10.15.9. To advise on the University’s Open Access commitments and the implications for the PGR student when depositing the definitive version of their dissertation with the Library, including on the option to request deferred access or redactions for the public release of the dissertation.

10.16. Supervisors must provide feedback to the PGR student on their written work, but supervisors are not responsible for providing a full proofreading of the dissertation before it is submitted for examination. Proofreading involves checking text and identifying errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting, and presentation. The PGR student is responsible for ensuring that their dissertation meets the required standard.

Supervisors and the examination

10.17. Supervisors must assist the PGR student in preparing for the oral examination, including through advising on opportunities for the student to practise relevant skills through, for example, presenting and being questioned about their research.

10.18. Supervisors must not contact the examiners about the examination except to discuss the practical arrangements for the oral examination with the internal examiner (or independent chair if there are only external examiners), including where there are reasonable adjustments or exceptional circumstances.

10.19. Supervisors must not discuss the examiners’ recommendation with the examiners during any part of the examination process.

Support for corrections and resubmissions

10.20. Supervisors are responsible for providing the following support for PGR students who are required to make corrections or to resubmit after the examination.

10.20.1. To provide ongoing guidance to the PGR student on addressing the required corrections or the resubmission.

10.20.2. To agree a work plan with the PGR student so that the revised dissertation is submitted by the deadline.

10.20.3. To maintain contact with the PGR student on at least a monthly basis during the period allowed for corrections or for a resubmission. The student in many cases will be remote from the University at this stage and the onus is on the supervisors to ensure that there is appropriate contact and support. The PGR student also has a responsibility to maintain regular contact with their supervisors.