The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute’s Vice Chancellor’s Fellowship is a special award for future leaders in research into young people’s mental health.

Joining a new research initiative at the University of Bristol, this Elizabeth Blackwell Institute fellow will design and deliver research to understand and improve the mental health of young people with a particular focus on students. We welcome applications from candidates who are comfortable taking interdisciplinary approach in their research, particularly spanning health research and social sciences.

Part of the role will be to work with senior colleagues across the University to shape and further develop the Young People’s Mental Health research initiative, to design a programme of work and to develop new and innovative projects.

We are looking for applicants who have already completed their PhD (or equivalent), who have research experience in this area, and who have a track record of some publications in respected journals. It is important that you read the full job description for this role before applying. The application process includes production of a research proposal that aligns with the research area.  

If you are interested in this fellowship please contact Professor David Gunnell, through Ms Deborah Strickland ( to discuss potential academic sponsors.

How to apply

Key dates

Application Deadline: Midnight Wednesday 20th February 2019. 

Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the 8th Maarch 2019.

We anticipate that panel interviews will be held in March.

Final decisions will be made early April 2019.

Successful applicants are expected to be in post by Spring 2019.


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