Love Letters Straight From Your Heart

Presented by Uninvited Guests and Fuel                                                               7pm Saturday 25th February 2023, White Theatre

A celebratory revival to mark 25 years of Uninvited Guests and 75 years of Theatre at University of Bristol.

Love Letters is an intimate participatory event in which audience and performers offer dedications and declarations of love, past and present. It shifts between theatre and a real social event; dedications are spoken, toasts are made, speeches are given, songs are sung, and dances danced, on behalf of the audience and with them. For this performance, dedications will be invited that relate to memories of the company’s work or to people’s time at Bristol, relationships or friendships formed whilst studying in the Department of Theatre. 

The performance will be preceded by a presentation to reflect on 25 years of Uninvited Guests and look forward to future projects.

Created and performed by Uninvited Guests, who are Paul Clarke, Richard Dufty and Jessica Hoffmann. The company have a long association with University of Bristol’s Department of Theatre, where two members studied, and Paul is currently Associate Professor of Performance and Creative Technologies. This is the first in-person performance of Love Letters since the COVID lockdowns, in response to which Uninvited Guests made Love Letters at Home, which went on a virtual international tour including BAM New York, La Teatreria Mexico City and Arts Centre Melbourne.

Produced by Fuel.

Love Letters Straight From Your Heart was originally a BAC Scratch and Arnolfini We Live Here commission, also commissioned by Leeds Met Studio Theatre.

For more information on Fuel performances and events, please visit the Fuel Theatre webpage.

To watch a trailer for this event, please visit this promotional page.

Tickets £10 (concessions £5). To purchase your ticket, please visit the University of Bristol Online shop.

You can't help but fall in love with it.

The Guardian
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