Selected Projects

Selected projects

In keeping with the 2MP project’s aims of encouraging holders of collections in the field to make secure provision for the on-going custody of materials in their care, selected archives and collections of material have been deposited with the University of Bristol Theatre Collection for the purposes of cataloguing and conservation. These include the E. Martin Browne and Norah Lambourne archives, and the Medieval Players archive.

In addition, a substantial amount of relevant material from the Glynne Wickham and Bristol University Drama Department archives has been catalogued to item level, and further sorting of these papers has laid the groundwork for future cataloguing work.

2MP has also made possible the digital restoration and encoding of a curated sample selection of video material from the Joculatores Lancastrienses archive for web delivery.

To access the selected projects, click on the listed titles below:

E. Martin Browne Archive

Norah Lambourne Archive

The Medieval Players Archive

Poculi Ludique Societas

Joculatores Lancastrienses

Glynne Wickham Archive







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