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Axelera AI selected by the EIC Scaling Club as one of Europe’s leading deep tech scale-ups

3 May 2024

Axelera AI , the leading provider of purpose-built AI hardware acceleration technology for generative AI and computer vision inference, has been selected by the EIC Scaling Club as one of Europe’s highest-potential deep tech scale-ups, well-positioned to make a positive global impact.

Axelera AI was carefully selected based on several factors and falls within one of four predefined market sector opportunities, Next-Gen Computing. This recognition highlights Axelera AI’s momentum and promise to democratize AI with powerful, cost- and energy-efficient, user-friendly AI hardware acceleration technology.

Axelera AI joined QTIC in the summer of 2023 to support the growth of its business in the UK. The facility was chosen as its robust infrastructure met Axelera's top-tier lab specifications.

The EIC Scaling Club recently unveiled the selection of the first 48 European deep tech scale-ups to join its curated community of standout companies, investors, corporate innovators, mentors, media firms and other industry stakeholders, and Axelera AI has joined the high-level international network effective immediately.

Backed by the European Innovation Council, the European Commission's flagship programme with a budget north of €10 billion, the EIC Scaling Club’s mission is to significantly grow the value of the selected world-class businesses and help maximize their positive impact on a global level.

The EIC Scaling Club will assist Axelera AI and the other hand-picked deep tech scale-ups with fundraising support, leadership mentoring and coaching, corporate partnership identification and matchmaking, media visibility, recruitment and much more.

Axelera AI will be part of an esteemed community that will grow to over 120 deep tech champions in the near future, which the EIC Scaling Club will surround with hundreds of the world’s leading investment firms, corporations, media representatives, vetted business mentors and other industry stakeholders.

"On behalf of all the partners working together to turn the EIC Scaling Club into a 'catalyst for scale', we welcome the first 48 companies into the fold and are delighted that Axelera AI is part of the mix. In unison with our investor, corporate, mentor and media stakeholder members, we will ensure that the selected deep tech companies derive as much value for their businesses as possible, as fast as possible,” said William Stevens, co-founder and group managing director of Tech Tour, coordinator of the EIC Scaling Club.

“Time is of the essence when building category leaders in the deep tech sector, and our goal is to accelerate our company members on their scale-up journey," added Stevens.

“Axelera AI is honored to be recognized as one of Europe’s premier deep tech scale-ups, and we look forward to collaborating with an esteemed community of investors, corporates, mentors, and media stakeholders. Being amongst fellow tech leaders to accelerate AI innovation is a great privilege and we thank the European Innovation Council and the EIC Scaling Club for the support,” said Fabrizio Del Maffeo, Co-Founder and CEO at Axelera AI.

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