Taster courses

Our taster courses are designed to offer adult learners an insight into a range of subjects studied at the University.

These courses give learners unique access to the range of subjects studied at Bristol. We welcome mature students with non-traditional academic backgrounds, and many participants go on to apply for Foundation Years at the University.

You'll have the chance to sample different subjects within the faculty of Social Sciences and Law and support with your study skills will be embedded throughout to help you make the most of the sessions. Participants on this course are guaranteed an interview for the Foundation Year in Arts and Social Sciences (Cert HE)

Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Led by colleagues from our Science and Engineering faculties, you'll investigate how various disciplines within STEM can be used to improve the world around us. Participants are eligible for a guaranteed invitation to the assessment centre for the Foundation Year in STEM

Building Academic Language and Literacy

This is a free course that will develop your academic language and literacy skills, providing the ideal preparation for future study. Many participants go on to apply for a foundation year at the University of Bristol.