Rikke Linding Fredberg (Denmark)

When I think back on my year in the MPP programme, two things come to my mind: hard work and loads of fun.

In Bristol, I was seriously challenged for the first time of my life. After a few fun months of settling in and making friends, I realised that only if I worked hard would I hold up a decent academic level. The learning style was individual and independent, and I spent hours and hours in the library immersing myself into the literature and thinking about solutions to policy challenges.

It was both tough and rewarding. I never felt alone as all the staff at the School for Policy Studies were highly supportive – from my personal tutor to my dissertation supervisor.

Apart from this, the things that I value the most about my year in the UK are the social and cultural aspects. Through the MPP programme and through student life in Bristol in general, I got to know people from all over the world, many of whom became my close friends.

Spending weekends in the British countryside, going on trips to London, Ireland and Scotland, or just hanging out in chic bars in Stoke Croft or having afternoon tea in fancy cafés in Clifton are all fond memories to me.

Where are they now?

After returning to Denmark, I started an internship with the European Parliament in Copenhagen where I work with policy, politics and communications. Although not directly applicable, my year at Bristol has provided me with good English skills and the ability to analyse and come up with solutions to complicated problems.

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