Substance Use Coercion: Contested framings in and between domestic and family violence and alcohol and other drug sectors in Australia
Dr Judy Rose (Senior Research Fellow, Southern Cross University; Griffith University Research Methods Advisor – Mixed Methods) E:
Substance use coercion is a contested term that refers to tactics used by perpetrators of domestic and family violence (DFV) when they leverage their own, or their partner’s alcohol and other drug (AOD) use, as part of the broader pattern of coercive control. Yet, defining substance use coercion remains a contentious issue in the Australian context indicated by discursive tensions in and between the AOD and DFV sectors. This seminar reports on findings from a series of workshops conducted with key stakeholders and experts from both sectors. The analysis of the workshop transcripts used qualitative thematic analysis combined with quantitative clustering of themes to look for emergent patterns in the data. Notably, one thematic cluster indicated that the absence of a shared language on substance use coercion was closely associated with implications for policy and practice. Initial findings suggest that a shared language, and compatible framing of the issue, is fundamental to progressing an understanding of the complex ways in which substance use can form part of the tactics of coercive control. By fostering a common understanding, stakeholders might pave the way for more effective policies, legislation and practices that will assist victim/survivors and their families.
Dr Judy Rose is a sociologist whose research delves into critical themes including gender inequality, domestic and family violence, and addictions, particularly in the areas of gambling and substance use. In her recent work, Dr Rose applies a sociology of health lens to the issue of domestic and family violence (DFV). This research examines how victim/survivors of DFV experience and recover from gender-based abuse. Judy also leads a research project exploring men’s understanding and use of coercive control. She is currently engaged in a cross-university collaboration delving into the ways in which different sectors conceptualise substance use coercion. Dr Rose is internationally recognised for her expertise in using innovative mixed methods such as mixed (qual and quant) analysis of single data sets.
Research Team
Professor Cathy Humphreys – Project Lead (University of Melbourne), Dr Margaret Kertesz (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Menka Tsantefski (Southern Cross University), Van Callaly, Hanh Tu Duc Nguyen, Mael Guillou (University of Melbourne)
This is a FREE online event being hosted by the Centre for Gender and Violence Research at the University of Bristol. Please register on TicketTailor to receive the joining link.