Empowering Citizen-Oriented Smart City Innovation in Mexico

20 September 2022, 3.00 PM - 20 September 2022, 5.00 PM

Dr David Sweeting & Prof Alex Marsh, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol; Dr Arturo Flores, la Facultad de Estudios Globales, Anáhuac University

8 Woodland Road, Room 2D2

Come along to this workshop to hear about some of the key findings and arguments developed during the ECOSCIM project. The session will focus on three components of the project’s work:
  • Locating smart city innovation in context: Institutional Analysis
  • Coproducing innovation with Civil Society Organisations under Covid
  • Translating research into practice: Multidimensional frameworks and online toolkits
There is a global discourse about the potential, practicalities and problems associated with the “smart city”. The term has been applied to a wide range of initiatives seeking to address urban problems using digital technologies. The politics of smart cities – including questions of priorities; ownership and control; access and inequalities - have become an important theme. The role of citizens and communities in shaping smart city development is at the heart of the debate.
The ECOSCIM project has been investigating these questions over the last three years. It is a collaborative research project between University of Bristol and Anáhuac University in Mexico City funded by the ESRC Newton Fund in UK and Conacyt in Mexico. The Bristol team draws its members from the School for Policy Studies, the Business School, the School of Education, and the Department of Civil Engineering. The Anáhuac team draws its members from the Faculty of Global Studies. The project has had to navigate through the Covid period to keep moving forward. Technology played a key role in doing so.

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