We are here to support your future success. Our Careers Service has a wide range of ways in which they can help you. Below are our Faculty of Science alumni talking about their current careers and the journey they had. These alumni followed career paths that are not directly aligned with the Undergraduate degrees that they took and showcase the varied career options that can be taken from a science degree.

Bristol-branded image of the number 3 Third most targeted University in the UK by employers (High Fliers Research 2022)

Careers information from our Schools

University Careers Service

Whether you're creating your CV, seeking work experience, or exploring your career options, we have a range of support available for you.

Our alumni community

We are proud of our alumni successes and the contribution they make to society.  Find out more about what Bristol graduates have gone on to achieve by joining Bristol Connects.  You'll also have many opportunities to meet Bristol alumni while you're a student.

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