Aegis Professorship Programme

The Science Partnership Office has initiated a programme for visiting professors in the Faculty of Science, known as Aegis Professors. 

‘Aegis’ is an ancient Greek term meaning protection, support or guidance. Our Aegis Professors provide guidance to students and researchers by bringing their up-to-date experience of work into academia. Through lectures, talks and mentorship, they help University colleagues ensure that teaching is relevant to current business needs, and enable them to apply their research expertise to real-world problems. They may also offer support on start-ups and entrepreneurship. 

Aegis Professors are appointed for a four-year term on a part-time basis. In return for their valued contributions to academic life, they are given access to University facilities and staff consultation, to help them meet challenges in their own work. 

If you would like more information on Aegis Professors, please contact the Aegis Professors Mailbox.


Aegis Professors in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

For more information about our Aegis Professors and their work with us, please click on the links below.

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