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Hub academic presents at the National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling 2023 in Washington D.C. USA

9 August 2023

Dr Raffaello Rossi speaks at the National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling 2023 in Washington D.C. USA

Raffaello Rossi presenting at gambling conference in Washington D.C.

The conference bought together people from healthcare, research, government and other sectors of the gambling industry along with national and international experts.

Dr Raffaello Rossi presented his research on ‘Gambling Advertising On Social Media – Key Takeaways From Britain’. His talk looked at how the Gambling Act of 2005 deregulated the gambling market in Great Britain and opened the door to gambling advertising – including social media ads. This research investigated over 880,000 gambling ads posted on Twitter and 1 million user profiles to understand which age groups engage with these ads and/or follow gambling accounts. The study included 210 children, 222 young people, and 221 adults to investigate whether Twitter gambling advertising appeals more to children than adults. The results highlight severe concerns concerning the age groups of gambling account followers and the strong appeal the ads have to children.

You can find out more about the speakers on the conference website:

 Raffaello Rossi presenting his research in Washington D.C.

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