Work Experience (Y10) – 30th June to 4th July 2025
The School of Arts will be offering work experience placements for year 10 students from Monday 30th June to Friday 4th July 2025 in collaboration with the wider Arts, Law and Social Sciences Faculty. Further details will follow shortly.
If you would like to register your interest in a work experience placement with us, please complete this short form - and we will send you further details when they are available.
We will try and confirm work experience placements with us in February 2025.
This placement would suit you if you have an interest in an arts environment and want to gain a better understanding of courses, skills gained and career opportunities available. Please be aware the work experience doesn't include specific skills like acting, fine art or graphic design.
Please note our work experience is only open to students who meet all of the following criteria.
You must:
- be a Home fee student;
- attend a state school or college;
- be resident in a BA, BS or other local postcode within an hour's journey of the University of Bristol (including South Wales);
If a work experience is oversubscribed, we will prioritise students who meet our widening participation criteria:
- are or have been eligible for free school meals;
- live in an IMD quintile 1 area as defined by your home postcode;
- are from a Black or Asian background or of a mixed background featuring one of these groups*;
- have spent three or more months in local authority care;
- are currently an estranged student;
- are from Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB) communities;
- attend an aspiring state school or college;
- are from any other minority ethnic background;
- are part of the first generation in their family to go to university;
- have caring responsibilities;
- have refugee status;
- have a disability;
- have a parent or carer who currently serves in the UK Armed Forces, or who has done so in the past.
*With additional priority assigned to the following underrepresented ethnic groups at UoB: Asian Pakistani; Asian Bangladeshi; Black Caribbean; Black African; or of a mixed backgrounds featuring one of these groups.
Please note, these placements are all in-person at the UoB Clifton Campus and we are currently unable to offer accommodation, catering or travel for the week.
Please contact your school as they might be able to assist in these areas.
Applications for the School of Arts Work Experience 2024 are now closed.
If you have any questions, please contact