Met the terms of your offer?

If you've received your exam results and you meet the terms of your offer, congratulations! Find out what happens next.


Visit accommodation to find out how to accept your accommodation offer or apply for a place.

International students

Visit International students: visas, CAS and arrival for information about your CAS, applying for a visa, and arriving in the UK. 


Find out more about funding and financial support.

If you change your mind

Find out what to do if you want to change course, defer or withdraw your application.

Three students walking through Royal Fort Gardens Confirmed new students

Visit new undergraduates to find about about registration, arrival and Welcome Week activities.

Disability Services

If you have a disability that you haven't yet told us about, please contact Disability Services to find out how we can help support you. 

Two students looking at a mobile phone and smiling Celebrate your success

Share your results news and celebrate joining us at Bristol #YourBristolStory

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