Research information and evaluation
The Research information and evaluation team:
- Provides support for the development and implementation of the university’s research and enterprise strategy
- Leads the development of the University’s submission to the Research excellence framework - REF2014
- Leads the development and implementation of systems that support the provision of research management information, including project managing the introduction in 2012 of the new research information system, Pure
- Leads the University’s response to the Impact Agenda, providing the secretariat for the University’s Impact Working Group
- Is the University’s expert on research funding mechanisms and on the measurement of research and enterprise performance
- Provides the Secretariat for the University Research Committee
- Is responsible for monitoring government, funding council and other stakeholders’ policies on research and enterprise in Higher Education
- Provides, analyses and benchmarks research and enterprise management information.
- Contact point for UOB submissions to the UKRI and other funders' research outcomes system, Researchfish