Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (EPSRC IAA) 2022-2026

We are delighted to have won an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) for the University. This is part of the newly harmonised UKRI IAAs funded from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2026. The IAA is provided to universities to support knowledge exchange and impact and responsibility for management of IAAs is devolved to the university to operate tailored impact funding schemes.

Projects may be proposed from all disciplines and all Faculties of the University. EPSRC IAA projects should have a strong link to research that is within 50% of EPSRC remit – for further guidance see Projects may be based on recently completed research, live EPSRC grants or PhD studentships, or research funded some years ago.

The types of awards we will be offering are as follows - 

Early Career Researcher Kickstarter awards

Up to £3k for Early Career Researchers to build the earliest stages of impact for example, developing impact plans, external partnerships, and generally taking the first steps in translating research before moving onto larger projects.

Exploratory Impact awards

Up to £15k for projects that build the earliest stages of impact.

People Exchange awards 

Up to £50k for exchanges to/from the University, part-time or full-time for any researcher, academic or external collaborator.

Commercialisation awards 

Up to £50k for projects with a clear commercial opportunity and a route to market. These awards are to develop specific commercial opportunities, enabling partners and investors to advance the Technology Readiness Level of research. These proposals must be developed with the University's Research Commercialisation team.

Follow on Funds

Up to £25-50k for previous EPSRC IAA projects that can demonstrate success and how further funds would unlock next steps.

Further information for internal colleagues can be found here. 

For any questions on the EPSRC IAA, please contact; (Impact Development Manager, Science & Engineering), (Impact Development Associate, Engineering), (Impact Development Associate, Science), (Impact Development Officer, ESPRC IAA).