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New Annual Samantha Kelly Memorial Prize for Study Abroad Students

2 May 2024

The Kelly family has generously added a new Samantha Kelly memorial prize to the two existing ones awarded by the department. The new prize - the Samantha Kelly Memorial Prize for Study Abroad Students - is worth £500. The department decided to split the prize this year between two study abroad students.

About Samantha Kelly: Samantha Oi Lin Kelly did her BA in Religion and Theology from September 2004 - July 2007. After graduating she went into brand marketing. She lived most of her life in Hong Kong. Samantha sadly passed away on 10 July 2012.

We are grateful to Mr Kelly and the rest of the family of Samantha Kelly for their generosity in making these prizes possible. Many thanks! May her memory be for a blessing.

We are very happy to announce that the Samantha Kelly Memorial Prize for Study Abroad Students for 2023-24 has been awarded to Anastasia O'Reilly and Zinnie Wright, who have written the following in response:

Anastasia O’Reilly:

Studying Religion and Theology MArts degree at University of Bristol allowed me to seize the opportunity of studying abroad for one year. I was blessed to be sent to Boston College, a Jesuit catholic institution with a strong tradition of 'cura personalis' which encourages a profound care and responsibility for one another, attentive to each person's circumstances, concerns and gifts. My year abroad has given me the opportunity to study unusual subjects and foster interests in areas like Vatican Diplomacy and Democratisation of the Middle East; I am also learning Spanish. I have met other international students and Mr Kelly's generosity will allow me to have some fabulous experiences whilst travelling across the USA with my new friends.  I'm sure Samantha would have wholeheartedly supported the study abroad experience and the 'cura personalis' I have encountered. I am so honoured to have been awarded this prize in her name, thank you so much Mr Kelly for your generosity.

Zinnie Wright:

The opportunity to do a Study Abroad for a year in Boston would not have been possible without the support from the University of Bristol and the Religion and Theology department. I have been able to experience a new country, new food, a new university, immersing myself in the American college lifestyle. This is an experience that I will remember for a lifetime. Furthermore, my year abroad has allowed me to grow and progress as a person, in ways I didn’t even know was possible. I have become so much more independent and stronger in myself, and for this, I am forever grateful. This award is a way to remember this growth and strength. Therefore I would like to offer my eternal thanks to Mr Kelly for creating this award and awarding it to myself, as well as his continued support for the RETH department at Bristol and its students.

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