Terms and Conditions: University Enterprise Fellowship

Conditions of award​


The UEF application form is available here; UEF Application Form 2324 (Office document, 144kB)

The UEF post-award reporting form is available here; University Enterprise Fellowship Report

Criteria for award

The selection process is governed by criteria that include:

Given these criteria, unsuccessful nominations should not be interpreted by nominees as a negative judgment on the part of the selection panel. Many excellent proposals have to be turned down given the competition and the need to fund a range of projects and types/levels of applicants.

Application and Award process

  1. Applicants should fill in sections 1 – 5 of the form, attach a summary CV (1 x A4 page) and pass to their Head of School/Department for completion of section 6. The form and CV should then be forwarded to Lucy Lilwall in RED by 4th November 5PM.
  2. A panel chaired by Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Michele Barbour will review applications and make awards. Note that this panel will be the only assessing body. Unlike the URF scheme, schools and faculties are not required to rank applications, although the Head of School’s statement will be taken into account in decision making and applications will not be advanced without Head of School confirmation that time can be made available for the fellow to conduct their activities.
  3. Applicants will be informed of decisions by email. Heads of School/Department and University Research Committee will also be notified.
  4. Any enquiries relating to the scheme should be addressed to Lucy Lilwall.
  5. A detailed report on the outcomes of the Fellowship must be submitted to RED no later than three months following the end of the fellowship. The report form will be available shortly, the terms and conditions of this scheme can be found here.


University Enterprise Fellowships (UEFs) are open to current members of staff on Pathway 1. UEFs enable the Fellows appointed to dedicate time to a specific enterprise project with clear deliverables for a period of 3-12 months. The awards have two components:

  1. Up to £10,000 paid to the Department/School to protect time to allow the Fellow to focus on their fellowship. This could for instance buy out time spent for teaching, assessment or other duties. The Head of School should state the amount requested and very briefly outline the reasons for this. It is anticipated that the amount requested will relate at least in part to the duration of the fellowship.
  2. Up to £5,000 for related costs such as travel, event attendance, external consultants, materials etc.

Proposals should consist of a statement on the enterprise activity you will undertake and the expected outputs from the Fellowship. Proposals must be accompanied by a Statement of Support from the Head of Department/School.

A summary CV (1 x A4 page) should also accompany the application. Fellows are required to produce a detailed report of their activity at the end of the year.

Responsibilities of the School:

The format of this scheme, and the associated responsibilities of the school, are similar to those for University Research Fellowships. The School agrees to release the Fellow from sufficient responsibilities to permit them the required time to carry out the Fellowship. It is expected that on-going research commitments will be continued.

As 2022-23 is the first year for University Enterprise Fellowships we understand that it may be difficult to adjust teaching, assessment or other duties this year. We welcome applications that take a range of approaches to ring-fencing time for enterprise.

Responsibilities of the Fellow:

The Fellow will concentrate their activity on enterprise, implementing the plans set out in their proposal.  Fellows are expected to engage with events and publicity to share their work with other Fellows with the intention of building a multidisciplinary community of enterprise-engaged academics. Respecting any necessary confidentiality, Fellows’ project titles and summary findings may be shared by Bristol Innovations to help publicise the University’s successes with a broad internal and external audience. Fellows are required to submit a detailed end-of-year report to RED


Panel Assessment Criteria

Given these criteria, unsuccessful applications should not be interpreted as a negative judgment on the part of the selection panel. We expect that many excellent proposals will have to be turned down given the competition and the need to fund a range of projects and types/levels of applicants.

University Research and Teaching Fellowships

The University offers University Research Fellowships which enable academic staff (pathway 1) to carry out a dedicated research project lasting twelve months. The financial support covers the costs of replacement teaching, assessment and clinical responsibilities during that period.

The University's Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (BILT) also offers a number of University Teaching Fellowships and University Teaching Innovation Grants. These are awarded to members of staff to facilitate their ability to spend a dedicated period of time to concentrate on developing a scholarly approach to teaching and learning, quality enhancement and disseminating exciting, innovative and high-quality teaching and learning practices.