Preventing harm in research (safeguarding)

Report a concern

If you or someone else has come to harm through a research project, or you are concerned for the safety of yourself or others, you can raise a concern to:

Staff members who wish to discuss a concern, in confidence, can contact a Stand Up Speak Out Advocate.

Students who need more information regarding complaints can refer to the Students' Union's Complaints Support pages.

Definition of harm

The University of Bristol is committed to protecting the safety and wellbeing of all those involved with research projects conducted by the University, its staff and/or agents working on its behalf.

This includes events falling within the UKCDR definition of:

any sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of research participants, communities and research staff, plus any broader forms of violence, exploitation and abuse relevant to research such as bullying, psychological abuse and/or physical violence

Individuals and organisations conducting research need to be alert to the broad range of harm that might arise from research activities and the measures that need to be taken to prevent foreseeable harm, to thoroughly investigate any report of harm caused as a result of research activity, to support those who have come to harm and to take appropriate action against anyone found to have caused harm.

Examples of harm

Such harm is a serious matter and the University has policies in place to manage the reporting, investigation and resolution of these occurrences.

Policies and processes

Read UoB policies and processes that govern the reporting, investigation and resolution of research harm cases.

Study design resources

A variety of related resources are available within and outside the University.