Mandatory institutional processes (Level 3)

The University has several types of mandatory processes relevant to applying for research funding. Research development can support you in adhering to these mandatory processes. The details of processes and which schemes they apply can be found on our SharePoint page

Process types

All funding opportunities are assessed against the University's attribute risk levels. Attributes are the key triggers for ensuring the appropriate processes, risks, and considerations have been identified and addressed during the application, bid and contract stages of funded research and research related activity. Each attribute is considered independently. The highest, identified single attribute triggers the level and determines the total rating for the activity and the process to be followed. 

Key internal processes

  • Level 3 applies to any opportunity that is deemed to be ‘Level 3’ from the attribute risk levels
  • UPER: All ESRC schemes Any Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding opportunity must proceed with the University's internal UPER process, which is the University's responses to ESRC's demand management agenda, to raise the quality of submitted proposals, and improve success rates

Further support is offered to external applicants, by contacting