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QECDT student Susan Chen attends QIP 2024 conference

12 February 2024

Susan was one of a group of 5 QECDT students that attended the International Quantum Information Processing Conference (QIP 2024) in January, thanks to the additional training funding from EPSRC.

"In mid-January this year I attended the International Quantum Information Processing Conference (QIP 2024) in Taipei, Taiwan. This was an exciting and informative introduction to scientific conferences as a first-year PhD student. While my work primarily focuses on quantum error correction and fault tolerant quantum computing architectures, it was great to see fantastic research showcased in other quantum computing domains, such as algorithms. This provided me with a better understanding of their integration toward realising a full-scale device. QIP was a very large conference with plenty of opportunities to network with other researchers through reception events and poster presentations. The latter really allowed me to gain a comprehensive view of the current landscape of error correction, which I thought was particularly useful."

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