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Successful bid for the new Quantum information Science and Technologies CDT

The new QIST CDT logo

Press release issued: 12 March 2024

The UK’s biggest investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills, with the EPSRC funded CDTs supporting leading research in areas of national importance, including critical technologies

EPSRC has announced the outcome of the call for new Centre’s for Doctoral Training, and the bid led by Bristol for the new Quantum information Science and Technologies CDT has been successful.

This CDT, which builds upon 10 years of success at the Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training, will be delivered in collaboration with University of Sussex and with the help of our 30+ industrial partners, will offer the next generation of quantum leaders a holistic PhD training experience. 

The programme will provide unique cross-disciplinary training in experimental and theoretical quantum information and quantum technologies, as well as specialised training in entrepreneurship, project management, collaborative working, responsible research and innovation (RRI), science policy, and communication skills.

An enormous congratulations to Dr Jorge Barreto and the team involved in the bid. 

You can read the full UKRI announcement here. The UoB announcement can be read here.

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