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National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2021

23 September 2021

We are celebrating our TARG postdocs this week!

This week is UK National Postdoc Appreciation Week and we would like to use this opportunity to take a moment to thank all of our wonderful postdocs in TARG. We are grateful for all of their hard work and support and TARG would not be the same without them! Read on to learn a little bit about each of them...

Plus, a special message from Robbie Clark to Jackie and Robby:

"To Jackie and Robby - You guys are the best! Thank you for giving me opportunities and supporting me as I have learned these past two years. You are both ideal role models, obviously in terms of your dedication to good science, but more importantly in how you look after others. Thank you!"

Robert Thibault is a meta-research rising star who has been able to set up randomised trials with journals – no mean feat! Usually found rock climbing when not working. 

Jackie Thompson is possibly the driest sense of humour in TARG. Fantastic at coordinating complex projects and keeping teams involved and engaged. 

Francesca Spiga is a lab scientist turned systematic reviewer! Did an exceptional job of taking up a role in a new group during the pandemic, and setting up new collaborations. 

Hannah Sallis is a great example of quiet leadership – a genuine team player who has done an enormous amount for TARG, including setting up and running virtual writing retreats during the pandemic. 

Jasmine Khouja is one of the most dynamic people in TARG (and possibly Bristol) - full of energy and enthusiasm, with a real gift for infecting others with that enthusiasm. 

Gareth Griffith is a multi-talented geographer, musician and TED-talker, who is always able to find a geographical angle to any piece of TARG work. 

Maddy Dyer is the only person in TARG with a PGCE, with the no-nonsense air of a teacher! Works across a range of methodologies, from cohort studies to human laboratory studies. 

Jennifer Ferrar is an ex-food researcher converted to tobacco and alcohol research (and more!). Has worked on everything from digital assessment and intervention to “nudges” for behaviour change. 

Zoe Reed is a neuroscientist who moved into epidemiology, and is now keeping a foot in both camps, running both experimental and observational talents. Multi-skilled! 

Anna Blackwell is TARG’s go-to qualitative researcher, but able to just as easily turn her hand to quantitative research. Working on “nudges” for behaviour change to improve health. 

Andy Skinner brings his skills in project management and planning – honed in a previous career – to his research on digital assessment. Never happier than with a good glass of red wine in his hand! 

Chris Stone is not technically a postdoc, but working in an equivalent role. Probably has the most interesting backstory of anyone in TARG! Always the most reliable contributor to our activities.

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