Previous members

Dr Jennifer Ferrar I was awarded a PhD in 2018, which investigated thirst and motives for sweet beverage consumption. I currently work in the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group (TARG), as a Senior Research Associate -
Dr Tuki Attuquayefio Research Associate  (Oct 2017 - Dec 2018)
Natalie Evans Research support assistant 2016-2018. Now workgin for Development Initiatives -
Dr Charlotte Buckley PhD (2017) followed by Research Associate 2017-2018 - psychobiological controls of human appetite for protein
Dr Christina Potter PhD (2017)
Dr Becci Griggs PhD (2017)
Dr Jess Fielding While with the NBU, I worked as a post-doc on a BBSRC-DRINC funded grant researching nudging behaviour.
Dr Greg Keenan PhD 2016. He focused on focused on the psychobiology of human and animal food choice and intake
Dr Andreas Jarvstad Research Associate, University of Bristol, May 2012 – Aug 2015 - Now Senior Lecturer at City University
Dr Matt Bosworth I worked as a Research Support Assistant in the NBU (2013 to 2015) on a BBSRC-LINK funded project entitled "Eating topography; the key to reducing energy intake in humans?"
Dr Ashley Martin I completed a post-doc in the NBU during 2013-2015, working on a BBSRC-funded project exploring whether dietary variety disrupts our ability to estimate the energy content and satiating quality of food (via inconsistent flavor-nutrient associations). I also investigated the role of sweet taste in human dietary behavior, focusing on 'sweet-calorie' learning and the effects of sweeteners on appetite control.
Dr Rose Oldham Cooper I undertook a Ph.D. exploring the development of expectations about a foods' capacity to provide immediate fullness (satiation) and satiety (relief from hunger) in the NBU between 2009 and 2013, after completing a B.Sc. in Experimental Psychology in the same department (2006-2009).
Dr Charlotte Hardman I worked in the NBU from 2009 to 2013 as an independent Research Associate. During this time, I worked on a variety of projects that explored hedonic and motivational components of appetite and eating behaviour. My work ranged from laboratory studies (e.g., experimental manipulation of the human dopaminergic system) to large-scale population studies (e.g., examining genetic predictors of obesity in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children). I am now a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Liverpool. Personal webpage. Follow on Twitter: @CharlotteHardm3
Vanessa Herbert I completed an M.Sc. project with the NBU which investigated the effect of acute tyrosine/phenylalanine depletion on food reward and response inhibition. I then went on to work as a research support assistant on two projects; a project exploring the role of memory processes in the acceptance of reduced-salt foods and also a BBSRC-DRINC funded project into expected satiety and portion control.
Dr Laura Wilkinson I undertook my B.Sc. project on the topic of flavour-nutrient learning, a Research Support Assistant post (BBSRC-DRINC grant) investigating determinants of portion size and finally, my Ph.D. in the NBU. For my Ph.D., I conducted research on the mechanism(s) underpinning ‘Sensory specific satiety’. I received a Faculty of Science commendation for this work. Currently, I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Swansea University. Personal webpage. Follow on twitter: @LLWSwansea
Dr Jess Smith I completed a Ph.D. on the effects of two components of tea, caffeine and theanine, on anxiety within the Nutrition and Behaviour Unit (2007-2011). As a postdoctorate, I was involved in research projects on the cognitive performance effects of caffeine (GlaxoSmithKline), satiety effects of sugar-containing drinks (Sugar Nutrition) and an fMRI study exploring mechanisms of pharmacological interventions.
Dr Stephanie Fay I was a research assistant on the BBSRC-DRINC funded project into expected satiety and portion control.
Dr Ella Hinton While with the NBU, I worked as a post-doc on a BBSRC-DRINC funded grant researching factors which influence portion size and satiety. I am now based in the Bristol Medical School where I am understanding the neuroregulation of appetite and obesity by conducting studies in people with genetic or acquired conditions that affect energy balance, people with obesity and healthy volunteers.
Dr Roya Shahrokni  
Dr Yeliz Vural  
Dr Jennifer Cox  
Eleanor Underhill  
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