We offer a cost-effective, timely dissertation printing service, with a choice of bindings. We use a standard A4 90gsm silk stock for printing dissertations. Detailed content that requires a larger, A3 format (such as diagrams) can be accommodated by concertina folding an A3 sheet to fit within A4 size.
How to order dissertation printing and binding
Students can email their pdf file to print-services@bristol.ac.uk with a completed External Request Form (Office document, 244kB) for Soft/Heat, Wire and Comb bindings - please check which type of binding your department has requested. If you are submitting a Hardbinding for submission to the library please also complete a hardback binding form (Office document, 110kB) giving details of the information to go on the spine.
To discuss your requirements, please visit us during office opening hours, give us a ring on 0117 928 9099 or email print-services@bristol.ac.uk
We can normally soft bind your printed work on site while you wait if you have brought in the printed work.
Comb and wire binding will take longer please allow four working hours.
Allow at least one working day for both printing and binding your work and two working days for hardback binding.
If you wish to change pages at a later stage, there is a £5 charge for rebinding (soft, comb or wire binding only).
For departments binding can be Ordered with a UoB charge code (staff)
Please collect your dissertation from Print Services. Alternatively, we can deliver free of charge to your department or to the Exams Office.