(1) Research Seminar:
The State of Art of Measuring Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK and Japan



Venue: Meeting Room 4 & 5, IPSS, Tokyo
Time: January 6th, 2012 9:00~17:00

Click on each speaker's name to read a short biography and download their presentation.

9:00-9:15 — Welcome
Dr Nishimura, Director, IPSS

9:15-10:00 — Session 1
Masami Iwata, Japan Women's University:
Poverty and Social Exclusion in Japan —
An Overview from the 1990s and Recent Policy Responses

10:00-11:30 — Session 2: Inequality in Comparative Context
Danny Dorling, University of Sheffield:
Is Japan more equal than the UK?

Tomoki Nakaya, Ritsumeikan University:
Regional inequality in UK and Japan

11:30-12:00 — Lunch

12:00-13:30 — Session 3: Measuring PSE
David Gordon, University of Bristol:
Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK: The State of the Art

Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York:
Child Poverty and Social Exclusion

13:30-15:00 — Session 4: Comparing Socially Perceived Necessities
Christina Pantazis, University of Bristol:
The Necessities of Life in the UK

Aya Abe, IPSS:
Public Perception of Necessities in Japan

15:00-15:30 — Break

15:30-17:00 — Session 5: Comparing Minimum Income Standards
Abigail Davis, Loughborough University:
Comparing Minimum Income Standards: MIS in the UK

Atsuhiro Yamada, Keio University & Yuka Uzuki, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan
Applying MIS (Minimum Income Standard) in Japan

18:00 — Welcome Dinner

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Christina Pantazis

Christina Pantazis is a member of the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research at the University of Bristol. She has a long-standing interest in researching poverty and social exclusion and has edited a number of books including the 2006 publication Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain. Her most recent writing focuses on the 'necessities of life' - examining how public perceptions of need have changed over time and how they compare across different nation states including Japan and Hong Kong.

Contact details: C.Pantazis@bristol.ac.uk

