(1) Research Seminar:
The State of Art of Measuring Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK and Japan



Venue: Meeting Room 4 & 5, IPSS, Tokyo
Time: January 6th, 2012 9:00~17:00

Click on each speaker's name to read a short biography and download their presentation.

9:00-9:15 — Welcome
Dr Nishimura, Director, IPSS

9:15-10:00 — Session 1
Masami Iwata, Japan Women's University:
Poverty and Social Exclusion in Japan —
An Overview from the 1990s and Recent Policy Responses

10:00-11:30 — Session 2: Inequality in Comparative Context
Danny Dorling, University of Sheffield:
Is Japan more equal than the UK?

Tomoki Nakaya, Ritsumeikan University:
Regional inequality in UK and Japan

11:30-12:00 — Lunch

12:00-13:30 — Session 3: Measuring PSE
David Gordon, University of Bristol:
Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK: The State of the Art

Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York:
Child Poverty and Social Exclusion

13:30-15:00 — Session 4: Comparing Socially Perceived Necessities
Christina Pantazis, University of Bristol:
The Necessities of Life in the UK

Aya Abe, IPSS:
Public Perception of Necessities in Japan

15:00-15:30 — Break

15:30-17:00 — Session 5: Comparing Minimum Income Standards
Abigail Davis, Loughborough University:
Comparing Minimum Income Standards: MIS in the UK

Atsuhiro Yamada, Keio University & Yuka Uzuki, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan
Applying MIS (Minimum Income Standard) in Japan

18:00 — Welcome Dinner

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Tomoki Nakaya

Tomoki Nakaya is currently professor in Department of Geography, Ritsumeikan University. He is a key member of Research Centre for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University. He achieved his academic training and all his degrees (BSc, MSc, PhD) at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University. His major research themes cover mathematical, statistical and computational modelling in human geography, analytical health geography and health GIS. With Tomoya Hanibuchi and Chiyoe Murata, he was awarded the excellent paper of the 68th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health in 2010. At present, his research is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for health inequalities associated with deprivation indices at the neighbourhood level.

Selected Recent Publications

Health GIS (in Japanese) with Tanimura, S., Nihei, N. and Horikoshi, Y., Kokon Shoin (2004)

"Geography of diseases in East Asia" Fujimaki, M. and Segawa, M. (eds.) An Introduction to Contemporary East Asia Revised Edition (in Japanese), Kokon Shoin, pp.124-144, (2009)

"Neighborhood built environment and physical activity of Japanese older adults: Results from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES)" (with Hanibuchi, T., Kawachi, I., Hirai, H. and Kondo, K.) BMC Public Health, 11:657 (2011)

"Geography inequalities in cancer death associated with areal deprivation index at the national level" Gan Tokei Hakusho (White Paper on Cancer Statistics) (in Japanese), Shinohara-Syuppan-Shinsya, pp.245-256 (2012)

"A spatial microsimulation approach to small area income estimation in Britain and Japan" (with Ballas, D., Campbell, M., Clarke, G., Hanaoka, K. and Waley, P. ) Studies in Regional Science, Vol.42, No.1, pp.163-187 (In press) (2012)
