(2) Public Symposium:
Is Japan an Equal Society? Policies against Poverty and Social Exclusion



What is Social Exclusion?
Lessons from the UK, Hopes for Japan

Venue: North Hall, Keio University, Tokyo
Time: January 7th, 2012 13:00~17:15

Click on each speaker's name to read a short biography and download their presentation.

13.00 — Opening Words
Dr Nishimura, Director, IPSS

13.15 — Keynote Speeches
David Gordon, University of Bristol:
Poverty and Social Exclusion Policies in the UK

Makoto Yuasa, Head, Social Exclusion Unit Japan:
The Success and Failures of Social Inclusion Policy in Japan

15.00 — Break

15.15 — Panel Discussion
Moderator: Aya Abe, NIPSSR

David Gordon, Bristol University
Makoto Yuasa, Social Exclusion Unit Japan →
Jonathan Bradshaw, York University
Christina Pantazis, Bristol University
Kohei Komamura, Keio University
Masami Iwata, Japan Women's University
Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Doshisha University

Download Transcript PDF (Japanese)

17.15 — Close

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湯浅 誠



Poverty Invasion (in Japanese), Yamabuki (2007)

Cannot Take it Any More! Spread Poverty: Seeking Reproduction of Human Life (in Japanese), with Utsunomiya, K. and Inomata, T., Akashi Shoten (2007)

Anti-Poverty: Escape from Society Slide (in Japanese), Iwanami Shisho (2008)

Anti-Poverty Schools (in Japanese), with Utsunomiya, K., Akashi Shoten (2008)

Anti-Poverty Schools 2 (in Japanese), with Utsunomiya, K., Akashi Shoten (2009)

Drill through the Rock: Work of "Activist" Makoto Yuasa (in Japanese), Bunshun (2009)

Do not Come, Poverty! (in Japanese), Rironsha, (2009)

Youth and Poverty: Now, the Hope from Here (in Japanese), with Togashi, M., Uema, Y. and Nihei, N. (eds.), Akashi Shoten (2009)

Find the Light in the Darkness: From the Scene of Poverty and Suicide (in Japanese), with Shimizu, Y., Iwanami (2010)


Session 1

Presentation 1

Presentation 2