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Poverty Research Centre Established at the University of Gujrat

13 August 2024

Bristol University, 'Next Generation' visiting researcher Dr Tanveer Ahmed Naveed, has been appointed Director of Poverty Research Centre, University of Gujrat, Pakistan.

During his visit in June 2023 as Bristol 'Next Generation' visiting researcher Dr Tanveer Ahmed Naveed (University of Gujrat, Pakistan) worked with Professor Gordon, Director of the Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI).  Together, they developed an outline plan for the establishment of a Poverty Research Centre at the University of Gujrat in Pakistan.

Following approval, the Centre has now launched, with Dr Naveed being appointed Director. 
The aims of the Poverty Research Centre includes; building capacity in Research Methods, the development of an active academic and student exchange programme; collaboration on research grant bids and facilitation with International Bodies and the establishment of a knowledge centre and knowledge sharing

Dr Naveed was also welcomed back to Bristol in June 2024 to continue building the collaboration through his Bristol Benjamin Meaker Follow-on Fund Award.
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