CEM Seminar 8 - Moral psychology and bioethics: same planet, different worlds?

24 February 2022, 12.00 PM - 24 February 2022, 1.00 PM

Dr Giles Birchley

Moral psychology applies existing or new experimental data from psychology to gain insights into human moral behaviour in controlled conditions. Moral psychology has developed insights in a vast array of areas relevant to ethical inquiry, including insights into the way moral judgements are formed, the effect of situations on helping behaviour and the level of introspective insight people have into their actions. Bioethics is the application of moral philosophy to human sciences. It has developed innovations that have radically affected the way decision-making is understood and takes place in practice. Yet the empirical picture painted of moral behaviour in moral psychology and the philosophically influenced innovations of bioethics can appear to be radically at odds. This seminar will discuss some salient areas of moral psychology and consider how they might be reconciled with bioethical approaches.

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If you have any questions, please email jordan.parsons@bristol.ac.uk  

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