CEM Seminar 3 - Everyday longevity protocols and the ethics of healthy ageing

3 November 2022, 12.00 PM - 3 November 2022, 1.00 PM

Dr Ilke Turkmendag, Newcastle University


One area of anti-aging research concerns ‘longevity’, which is the length of the life span independent of the biological aging process. This paper draws on preliminary research I conducted exploring the everyday longevity protocols disseminated on social media. These protocols include, amongst others, supplementation, diet, stress management, sleep, activity and metabolism tracking, exercise, breathing techniques, using implantable devices (such as continuous glucose monitoring and biosensors), red light, cold and heat therapy, and regular blood testing.

Drawing on the qualitative analysis of a sample of podcasts, YouTube videos, and websites created by some of the longevity experts, this paper explores the technoscientific imaginaries of longevity. It explores the agency of longevity molecules, processes, and supplements, the representation of scientific evidence behind the suggested protocols, competing knowledge claims, and the individualisation of health risk management.

The longevity discourse takes its strength from advances in lifespan research but also the failings of the current medical practice that deals with the symptoms rather than the cause. It aims to develop new medicines and therapies to prevent and cure, rather than merely manage the age-related disease.

While the longevity discourse can be empowering, following the recommended longevity protocols depend on individuals’ intellectual and financial ability and willingness to track, test, and hack their own bodies. The claims associated with longevity research create novel ethical challenges regarding individualisation of ageing risk, moral responsibility of the individual for healthy-ageing, and the longstanding structural drives of health inequalities.

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