National Organ Donation Conference: Multifaith and Minority Perspective

29 February 2020, 1.45 PM - 29 February 2020, 4.30 PM

Mr Amjid Ali, Revd. Dr Brendan McCarthy, Dr Adnan Sharif, Dr Greg Moorlock

Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building, Bristol.

This event will encourage discussion and reflection about the upcoming changes to England's organ donation laws in April 2020, specifically the new ‘opt out’ system. The discussion will focus on the perspectives of groups who may face questions and conflicts about reconciling the change to their own culture and beliefs, including religious groups and BAME communities.

Speakers will comprise religious leaders, BME community members, academics and patients, who will give talks based on their own knowledge and experience, with a chance for questions and discussion. The NSBT National Organ Donation Team will be there to fully explain the law as well as provide a stand for attendees to gain more information.

The speakers panel consists of a number of national notable speakers including Mr Amjid Ali, a project lead of NHS Blood and Transplant, Revd. Dr Brendan Mc Carthy, a National Advisor of Medical Ethics for the Church of England, Dr Adnan Sharif, Consultant Nephrologist and Nobel Prize nominee, and Dr Greg Moorlock, senior teaching fellow specialising in organ donation ethics. We will also have patients from minority communities sharing their personal stories and experiences.

This event is timed to happen around the same time that the change in English law comes into effect, and will provide an opportunity for members of the University student body and the wider Bristol community to both hear from expert speakers and engage in discussion and reflection.

Admission is free, but you must book a place.

Contact information

The event is organised by the Muslim Medics Society (part of Galenicals), and is supported by the Centre for Ethics in Medicine.

For more information, and to book a place, please visit the Eventbrite page

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