HEAPs workshop - Oct 2015

MRC workshop on Health Economic Analysis Plans

On 20th October 2015, a workshop was held in Bristol to discuss issues with 'Health Economics Analysis Plans (HEAPs)'.

This cross-Hub collaboration between Bristol, Bangor and Oxford universities was well-attended; 50 participants heard presentations from speakers covering a range of topics before breaking into smaller groups to discuss the appropriate content, oversight and potential changes to HEAPs.

Slides from some of the speakers are available below. Please note: some of these presentations represent work in progress and final reports may differ.

Development of guidance for statistical analysis plans (PDF, 395kB)‌ - Carrol Gamble, University of Liverpool

SAPs and HEAPs: the NICE view (PDF, 559kB) - Ross Maconachie, NICE

From SAPs to SHEAPs: perspectives from economics (PDF, 1,105kB)‌ - Will Hollingworth, University of Bristol

Experiences with HEAPs

Deviations from HEAPs: can they ever be justified? (PDF, 581kB) - Dyfrig Hughes, Bangor University

Using a HEAP in an RCT of a complex intervention - Padraig Dixon, University of Bristol

Common themes in HEAPs in CVD prevention: towards standardisation? (PDF, 232kB) - Boby Mihaylova, University of Oxford

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