Mapping science and policy priorities in a Changing Central Arctic Ocean

polar bear on ice. Credit: Patrick Kelley, U.S. Coast Guard. Public domain.

The Central Arctic Ocean plays a pivotal role in regional and global climate and ocean circulation, and influences UK weather patterns.

About the research

In order to formulate appropriate policy responses to climate change, we need to align the key scientific and policy questions surrounding the Central Arctic Ocean, which currently remain largely unanswered.

The aim of this PolicyBristol project was to address the three key questions:

What are the key stakeholder-relevant questions surrounding change in the Central Arctic Ocean?

How do these key questions map onto current UK marine science in the Central Arctic Ocean?

Where are the gaps between stakeholder requirements and UK marine science capability?

The findings and recommendations for future research priorities are summarised in a briefing note for policy makers and a broader summary document.

Central Arctic Ocean Policy Report: March 2020

Read the full report:

Mapping science and policy priorities in a Changing Central Arctic Ocean (PDF, 2,045kB)


Katharine Hendry, Royal Society Research Fellow and Reader in Geochemistry, University of Bristol. 

With thanks to the UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership

Contact the Researchers

‌Katharine Hendry

Royal Society Fellow and Reader in Geochemistry University of Bristol

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