Strategic Programmes and Projects

We provide expertise in business improvement and the delivery of portfolios, programmes and projects to support positive strategic change at the University of Bristol.

Business improvement

​​​​​​​We deliver workshops and awareness sessions that explore business improvement approaches and techniques, and have developed a toolkit of frameworks and templates, based on best practice, to help our staff successfully deliver change and improvement initiatives. We work closely with our Change Team, supporting academic and professional services colleagues by providing practical improvement support and guidance to those experiencing or leading significant transformational change.

Staff can read more about business improvement and change on SharePoint.

You can contact the Business Improvement team by email at

Delivery of portfolios, programmes and projects

We support multiple portfolios, programmes and projects across the University of Bristol in the implementation of its Vision and Strategy. Our approach to programme and project delivery and our templates have been developed using Management of Portfolios (MoP), Managing Successful Programmes (MSP), Prince2 and agile methodologies.

Staff can read more about the delivery of portfolios, programmes and projects on SharePoint.

You can contact the Delivery team by email at