Interface Analysis Centre
Cutting-edge materials research is driven by a thirst for discovery and a pressing need to develop and better understand the materials we use to solve problems in everyday life. The Interface Analysis Centre (IAC) is a cutting-edge multidisciplinary research hub at the University of Bristol. We work on a range of materials-science-based problems focused on real-world problem-driven applications.
As a group, it is fortunate to host a wide array of analytical equipment that is attractive to both academia and industry, with the group possessing a large number of external collaborators. Our staff and postgraduate students are driven to solve real-world problems and make fundamental discoveries related to developing and understanding new and existing materials. At the IAC our time is split between a broad portfolio of fundamental research (funded by UK Research Councils, NHS, EU charitable organisations, etc), industrial research and short term contract analysis.
All academic staff within the Centre are actively involved in research and are highly skilled in leading edge surface science technologies and regularly apply their expertise to solving commercial problems. Academics also perform a range of teaching duties and supervision of postgraduate research. Both undergraduate (BSc and MSci) and postgraduate (MSc and PhD) projects are hosted by the group.
The Centre maintains several laboratories which house a complementary array of analytical equipment for conducting surface, materials and solution analysis. This includes specially equipped laboratories to safely handle radioactive materials, which form a major part of our research. We are also able to draw upon the world class laboratory facilities of the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, a sister research centre with which the IAC is closely associated.
Head of Centre
Commercial Manager
Working in this area
Interface Analysis Centre
HH Wills Physics Laboratory
Tyndall Avenue
United Kingdom
Services and techniques
We offer our customers a range of cutting edge materials and solution analysis services. Find out more here.
School visits
Members of the IAC are available to lead sessions on materials science in schools. To arrange a visit by one of the group email us.