Center for Device Thermography and Reliability

The Center for Device Thermography and Reliability (CDTR), led by Professor Martin Kuball, is a world-leading research center focusing on developing next generation semiconductor electronic devices for net zero, and for communications and radar technology. We work on improving device thermal management, electrical performance and reliability, using wide and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors.

Developing next-generation power and RF electronics
Gallium Oxide Growth

Our mission

In today's fast-moving technological world, semiconductor devices need more ‘muscle power’ but today's devices run too hot, wasting energy and shortening operating lifetime. The CDTR mission is to develop a more energy-efficient semiconductor device technology, to reduce energy waste and boost the use of renewable energy to reach net zero goals.

The novel power devices we develop will provide improved energy efficiency at increasing voltage ranges, helping to meet the electrification demands of our society, and advance modern transport technology (electrical vehicle, train, maritime and aerospace). Higher power and higher frequency RF devices will also advance radar technology and telecommunications, with applications in 6G and beyond.

Wind turbines, solar panels, electric charger, high voltage lines

Our research

A main focus of our research lies in exploiting wide and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors including GaN, Gallium Oxide, Boron Nitride and Diamond to develop next-generation power and RF devices. We are equipped with state-of-the-art material growth technology (metal organic chemical vapour phase deposition, MOCVD), we design new device topologies using TCAD and finite element modelling, process devices in-house, and implement advanced packaging solutions. We also apply a unique suite of techniques for device performance and reliability characterisation, as well as device electrical and thermal conductivity analysis.

Our team of more than 20 international researchers and PhD students works with industry and academia from across the globe. The CDTR also leads the flagship UKRI Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) Transforming Net Zero with Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor Device Technology (REWIRE) whose aim is to accelerate the UK’s ambition for net zero by transforming the next generation of high voltage electronic devices using wide/ultra-wide bandgap compound semiconductors, providing a vehicle for their commercialization. 

Commercial work

Apart of research programme funded work, we provide services to the commercial sector and to Government institutions. If you require our assistance, please contact us for a quotation and for further details. Examples of our commercial work include:

  • Device electrical and thermal modelling / design
  • Mapping of temperature fields in GaAs MMIC HPA modules
  • Measurements of junction temperature in AlGaN/GaN HFETs during operation for accelerated life time tests
  • Thermal resistance in heteroepitaxial device structures such as GaN on SiC, Si and diamond
  • Material growth
  • Device prototyping
  • Electrical device characterization
  • Reliability and failure analysis of RF & power electronic devices