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3. Specialised works and research papers: Logo

Nelson, Patlak, Worley & Standen. (1990) Calcium channels, potassium channels and voltage dependence of arterial smooth muscle tone. Am. J. Physiol. 259 C3:C18

This is specific to smooth muscle but many of the principals hold for other excitable membranes, particularly cardiac. This review article gives a clear description of how membrane voltage affects the activity of Ca channels and, in turn, some functionally important K channels influence membrane voltage. For those that want the bottom line - look no further!

Cannon (1996) Ion channel defects and aberrant excitability in myotonia and periodic paralysis. TINS 19: 3-10 (TINS = Trends in Neurosciences)

I used this to illustrate how our new understanding of the structure of ion channel proteins (down to their amino acid sequence) has aided our ability to recognise the root cause of some dysfunctions. It is likely that this knowledge will find its way into the pharmacy in your working lifetime. This paper assumes that you appreciate the importance of tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na channels (upstroke of AP in nerve and muscle) but goes on to show, with the aid of some very clear diagrams and the odd experimental record, how identified mutations lead to dysfunctions that give rise to clinically recognised (albeit rare) conditions.

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Copyright © 1998 University of Bristol. All rights reserved.
Author: Phil Langton
Last modified: 20 Nov 2000 09:17
Authored in CALnet